Underrated: 10 Christian Authors You Should Add to Your TBR Today

There’s an argument about the purpose of reviews. Some adamantly believe that reviews are primarily for the benefit of authors. They make the book more visible and help writers find new audiences. Others claim that reviews are reader-centric and used to encourage others to read a book or warn them away. Reviews ARE essential, butContinue reading “Underrated: 10 Christian Authors You Should Add to Your TBR Today”

Writing My Own Heroine

Writers learn from their characters. We only give them their looks and a general trajectory, but their lives are their own. Sometimes, their stories take us to places we never planned to write about, and sometimes they clarify our own situations. That happened to me when I wrote Twists, Turns, and Curves. I started theContinue reading “Writing My Own Heroine”

News From A Pantser

I’m a pantser. In writer-speak, it just means that I write by the “seat of my pants” rather than by following an outline. Outline followers are called “plotters.” Writers tend to live and let live regarding how we work. As long as we produce dynamic characters and develop plots, the process doesn’t matter. But asContinue reading “News From A Pantser”

My Go-To Classic Christian Novel

[Just a warning that the following article is me nerding out over a favorite book. There are spoilers, but it’s a book from 1848, so …] The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is my go-to suggestion for anyone looking to read a classic Christian novel. It’s a perfect example of contemporary Christian fiction and its abilityContinue reading “My Go-To Classic Christian Novel”