The Hardest Part of the Writing Journey

Most writers classify themselves as one of two things: a plotter or a pantser. A plotter painstakingly outlines, researches, and THEN begins to craft their story. A pantser takes to the keyboard with a nebulous idea and lets the character they’ve created have free reign while they take dictation. Plotters can’t understand how pantsers canContinue reading “The Hardest Part of the Writing Journey”

Cultivating Reader/Writer Relationships Online

The best book recommendations come from readers. Thanks to social media, it is easier than ever to reach out to those with similar interests and ask for suggestions concerning new authors, titles, and genres. Overall, my experience online is positive, primarily because I cultivate it to my tastes. When I first heard the term “doomContinue reading “Cultivating Reader/Writer Relationships Online”

Underrated: 10 Christian Authors You Should Add to Your TBR Today

There’s an argument about the purpose of reviews. Some adamantly believe that reviews are primarily for the benefit of authors. They make the book more visible and help writers find new audiences. Others claim that reviews are reader-centric and used to encourage others to read a book or warn them away. Reviews ARE essential, butContinue reading “Underrated: 10 Christian Authors You Should Add to Your TBR Today”

Writing My Own Heroine

Writers learn from their characters. We only give them their looks and a general trajectory, but their lives are their own. Sometimes, their stories take us to places we never planned to write about, and sometimes they clarify our own situations. That happened to me when I wrote Twists, Turns, and Curves. I started theContinue reading “Writing My Own Heroine”

Women’s Words

I love reading fiction, but I usually have a non-fiction book in my reading pile as well. This week, I’ve finished several books written by women who exposed systems that not only create victims of spiritual abuse but also engage in criminal coverups. What draws me to these types of books? Research. I write contemporaryContinue reading “Women’s Words”

LaDelle & Jubilant by Cathy McIlvoy

LaDelle & Jubilant by Cathy McIlvoy is a Christian historical novel that follows the lives of an aunt and her nephew as they are thrown together after a family emergency. LaDelle’s whole life is one of maintaining her sense of control. A confident and self-assured career woman and proud homeowner, Ladelle is also the headContinue reading “LaDelle & Jubilant by Cathy McIlvoy”

My Go-To Classic Christian Novel

[Just a warning that the following article is me nerding out over a favorite book. There are spoilers, but it’s a book from 1848, so …] The Tenant of Wildfell Hall is my go-to suggestion for anyone looking to read a classic Christian novel. It’s a perfect example of contemporary Christian fiction and its abilityContinue reading “My Go-To Classic Christian Novel”

Pilgrims and Plus-sized Heroines

It’s officially mid-January. The chill isn’t leaving my apartment, so I’m writing while snuggling under a fluffy robe and a blanket. My Christmas tree is still up. I’m not ready to let it go just yet. I’m trying to convince myself to get up and pour another cup of tea, but if I get up,Continue reading “Pilgrims and Plus-sized Heroines”

The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham

A historical fiction rom-com mystery, The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham, has a little bit of everything for its readers. The newly-wed couple consisting of a landed gentry husband from England and his adventurous (and detective story-reading) American wife are the main focus. They’re cloying banter is balanced by their love for adventure. Their closestContinue reading “The Juliet Code by Pepper Basham”

Room for Everyone

A year ago, I cut my home library by about 75%. An out-of-state move prompted my decision, but there was a secondary reason. I was moving toward a more minimalistic life. I kept items of comfort—including my favorite books—but got rid of the clutter that was wearing me down. My choice to limit my libraryContinue reading “Room for Everyone”